Frequently asked questions
What are the arrival and departure times?
This information differs depending on the cottage selected.
The arrival time varies between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm and the departure time between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm. The exact times are indicated in the rental conditions of the selected chalet.
When will I receive the cottage access code, exact address and instructions for my stay?
Once your reservation is completed and confirmed, you will receive by email the chalet’s instruction sheet. You will find the itinerary as well as all the relevant information regarding the smooth running of your stay.
Your personalized code for access to the chalet will be sent to you by email approximately 24 hours before your arrival date.
Are your cottages non-smoking environments?
Yes, all our establishments are non-smoking environments. It is strictly forbidden to smoke or vaporize inside the chalet.
Do I have to clean the cottage before I leave?
All our cottages are equipped with a maintenance service. However, certain basic criteria must be respected.
You must leave the premises in the same condition as when you arrived: dishes must be cleaned and put away, spills must be picked up, garbage and recycling must be put in the designated areas outside, furniture and equipment must be placed in the right places and all lights and windows must be closed. Please refer to the reference document available at the cottage.
You do not need to wash bedding and towels; this service is provided by the maintenance team.
Once the reservation is made, is it still possible to change the number of people?
Yes, it is possible to modify the number of people present during your stay.
Please note that the maximum capacity of the cottage must be respected at all times and that the total number of people must be mentioned before the beginning of your stay since the rates will be subject to change ($).
Please inform us by phone at 514-266-7192 or by email at [email protected].
What is a security deposit? When is it blocked on my credit card and for how long?
In the 24 to 48 hours prior to your stay, a security deposit ranging from $500 to $2,500 (amount varies depending on the cottage reserved) will be blocked on the credit card. This amount acts as a guarantee to cover the cost of any breakage or non-compliance with the terms of the contract.
The amount will be released within a maximum of 5 days following the end of the stay, if no damage has been noted, the cottage is returned in the same condition as on arrival and all rental conditions have been respected.
Can I bring my pet?
Some of our cottages accept pets with or without restrictions.
For this information, please refer to the cottage amenities.
What is the minimum rental period?
Most of our cottages offer a minimum stay of 2 nights. However, some accommodations offer one-night rentals. Please refer to the search tool on the home page for available accommodations.
What is the minimum age to book a cottage?
To reserve one of our chalets, a minimum age is required. To find out the minimum age, please refer to the “Rental conditions” of the selected chalet.
What are the applicable taxes on cottage rentals?
The applicable taxes are GST, QST and the lodging tax (3.5%).
Please note that rentals of 31 nights or more are exempt from the lodging tax.